The inaugural dear diary

Chicago marathon recap

Life update!

Answering Instagram questions, June 2024.

Let's start a book club?

Pulling myself out of a spiral.

The skin routine.

My postpartum + newborn checklist.

Answering Instagram questions, February 2024.

The 4th Trimester Update

Pregnancy Diary, 03

Exercise, pregnancy, and staying active when I feel like trash.

Pregnancy Diary, 02

Answering Instagram questions.

An ode to products that make pregnancy more comfortable.

Pregnancy Diary, 01

My favorite things, beauty edit.

The guilt of being my own person.

It's a...

A day in the life: Cannes Film Festival

I'm pregnant!

Brows baby.

Feeling nostalgic.

Makeup tutorial with Daniela Gozlan.

Photo Diaries, Ep. 1

Confession: I'm a morning person. Here's my routine.

Dating advice for my daughter.

A trip to Australia with two toddlers. Yikes.

I ran the NYC marathon.

Workouts = me time. Here are my essentials.

Sincerely, a mum who's been there.

Forts. Friends. Art Basel.

Nursery tour and Q&A with my interior designer.
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