The guilt of being my own person.

I spend a huge chunk of time in therapy talking about my overdeveloped sense of guilt. It’s why I called my dad to pick me up from a sleepover at 13 — I’d taken a puff of a cigarette and couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t confess. That feeling hasn’t gone away as I’ve entered adulthood. I beat myself up every time I have to leave my kids to go to work, and even more so when it’s for fun. If a friend or family member is struggling, I feel guilty that I’m not in the same place. Whenever I relax or take a nap, I feel bad that I’m not using that time to hustle or be productive. It’s why I’m a chronic people pleaser; I hate the thought of disappointing anyone.
I don’t really know where it stems from. The nature versus nurture argument comes into play with every facet of our personalities, I suppose. I know my parents never intentionally made me feel guilty, but they always emphasized the importance of ‘doing the right thing.’ I took that concept and ran a little too far with it. I’ve always worried that if I learn to let go of this part of myself, I’ll somehow lose my ability to empathize. I won’t be seen as gracious or humble, instead I’ll be a self-centered narcissist. Of course, my rational brain knows these things aren’t true, but I can’t seem to shake the feeling.
I’ve talked to many women (and moms) in the same place, who grapple with pursuing their own happiness while feeling as if they’re not doing enough for the people around them. And an ambitious and complex woman has always been a scary prospect. We shouldn’t be too much, or dream too big. We shouldn’t put ourselves first. Instead, our rightful position is that of the caretaker. The nurturer. I do think this is all changing (and I’m lucky enough to have a husband who gladly takes on an equal load), but sometimes it's difficult for me to challenge that ingrained thinking.
I struggle a lot with what my future looks like. I want to pursue different career paths without feeling like I’m making selfish choices or letting down my family members. I miss parts of my old life, and then get angry at myself for being ungrateful. I so badly want to embrace my joy, but I can’t help but feel bad for those who aren’t so lucky. One piece of advice my therapist gave me that seems to help is to be of service. To give back. Not only does it get you out of your head, but it brings a sense of peace. After all, it’s what life is really about. But that can circle back to my habit of prioritizing others over myself, can’t it?
I guess I wanted to share this because I’d love to hear from you. If you’re a guilt-ridden mess like me, what has helped? Are there any tools that you’ve used to change your thinking around self care? How many of you struggle with your desire to pursue personal passions or demanding careers (and the hours that come with them), but feel like those around you will suffer?
So often we put on a facade that doesn’t tell the full story. It’s easy to post the good on social media, but it’s much harder to be vulnerable in a way that opens us up to judgment. I’d love to create a community where we can talk about our challenges without worrying that we’ll seem like a bad parent, or a self-centered brat. Hell, maybe the conversation will help me chip away at my guilt complex. If you feel comfortable, use this as a place to share your worries and fears, or offer advice to the rest of us. I, for one, would love a little guidance.
C x
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BBR | 12.02.2024 | 03:36PM
Claire, hi. Seem to be a little bit late to this discussion, but I just couldn’t pass by. Your story brought back some painful memories, forcing me to once again confront something I’ve struggled with most of my life: guilt. I think I grew up with this feeling and it took me a long time to get rid of it. It’s like you’re always wrong, even when you’re helping everyone around you, it seems like you can’t take on any more or you’ll explode. And even then this feeling doesn’t go away. You do too many of the “right things” and at the same time you are trapping yourself. No one can take on as much responsibility as our false idea of right behavior makes us do. I can share what helped me — therapy and support from close friends. I remember that moment of revelation when someone told me that the world would not fall apart if I took care of myself and put my interests above others. It is still hard to accept, and perhaps even a thousand times harder when you have children, but it’s something that you should tell yourself all the time: you ARE important, your needs are no less important than the needs of your loved ones. I’m sure you have great support and I’m sure that your friends and family know they can always rely on you. Do as you think is right, as you feel in your heart, do not forget about your interests and rest. And remember: you can give back more if you yourself are more satisfied.
Hope this finds you alright. You’re doing a great job.
Do appreciate you sharing.Bonnie
RRebecca Miller | 02.22.2024 | 05:46PM
Oh my goodness. I feel like this all the time! I want to do what’s right, and I feel guilty if I’m having an off day which then spirals into another off day and another and another as the guilt spills over. I feel guilty that I’m not as appreciative as I would like to be. I feel guilty that I’m not taking advantage of this time in my life that I will look back on in years to come. I’ve always hated change, but I feel guilty for not embracing it.
Still, I find comfort in the little things: watching a good show, basking in the sun, or even making my bed (which I utterly hate doing, but I feel so much better after). I need to remind myself that it’s okay to take my time – life isn’t a race to the finish line, as much as it can feel like it, it’s not a competition. I’ll probably still feel guilty when I procrastinate on my work or get distracted by social media, but that’s okay. Ack! It’s normal to have emotions, and not be 100% all the time.
MMorgan | 01.29.2024 | 04:19PM
I never post or respond to these types of things. I don’t have Facebook or any other type of social media. Why? Because I overthink everything, of course. So thank you. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. Thank you for normalizing people pleasing, working mom guilt, and all the other feelings not talked about enough.
ccool | 01.29.2024 | 04:19PM
thats deep man
MMichaela | 01.29.2024 | 04:19PM
I feel the same! It depends on the situation but usually being present and thinking about it helps. Also when I imagine it was my friend and not me in the situation, how would I feel about it? Gives me perspective.
JJenn | 01.29.2024 | 04:19PM
“I so badly want to embrace my joy, but I can’t help but feel bad for those who aren’t so lucky.” Oh I felt this especially about my travels (which I save a lot for). I just tell myself that feeling bad about it wouldn’t help others. And that I deserve happiness too and that it’s not my obligation to make everyone happy. (I also don’t have the budget for it unfortunately).
BBonnie L. Durbin | 11.02.2023 | 05:39PM
To know I am not alone in the sense of feeling guilt. At times I think to myself as the one looking in, not the one looking out. My empathy, sympathy and compassion are all variables that make the equation whole, which in return is balance. Our relationships hold our inner core value and it brings peace to know my thoughts are connected through learning life’s secrets. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to connect back. It’s a pleasure and honor. Stay Blessed!
LLisseth Gonzalez | 08.10.2023 | 06:51PM
I’m so glad im not alone on this!! I struggle with this constantly and I always feel guilty for being away from my family. I want to move to a different state, but I know how painful it’d be. I’d just feel guilty the whole time for missing out on certain milestones and not being home for family dinners.
I’ve realized that I have to set boundaries with my family, but I don’t know where to start. I’m worried of being seen as a selfish and ungrateful person.
MMaria | 08.10.2023 | 06:54PM
I’ve actually done a workshop with a life coach on this and the bottom line thing that I’ve found is that it’s okay to not do things and say no to people if your values are being affected…
Think to yourself what has been the happiest memory that I have from the past year (or your entire life) and what values came through and then the saddest / worst memory and what values were affected. Then you can see what brings you joy and focus more on that. To me my most important value is fun (going out with friends, going to gigs, etc), as long as I’m having fun I’m happy and so I try not to feel too guilty if I spend time away from home… you can also think about involving your family in your values. It depends on what works for you.
BBrittany Mocerino | 06.29.2023 | 08:30AM
The thing that has helped me the most with my insane guilt has been simply surrounding myself with other moms and women who prioritize themselves. It has really helped me to do the same with less guilt. And I think with time it becomes a habit and gets easier. Not to say those feelings don’t still resurface but it’s less often. You are not alone though! I have felt this my entire life and relate so much to this post! Thank you for sharing.
MMichele | 06.22.2023 | 04:24PM
Hi C,
When I was a young mother, I had some great friends that offered valuable advice: you can’t be your best for others if you don’t take care of yourself. That means pursuing personal interests, being your very best at your job, challenging yourself by learning new things, etc. I got my Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice when my youngest was in high school and my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Forensics last year at the age of 56. The respect and pride my kids have for me is worth way more than the paper diploma I received. They saw a mom who values herself enough to invest in her future.It also means going out with your friends and having fun. It’s all about balance. We know that well-balanced meals nourish our bodies. Well-balanced activities nourish our psyche and emotional wellbeing. My mom was one of those mom’s who never had a hot meal. She didn’t understand my making my kids wait for seconds until I had finished my first plate, but my kids have a reality-based idea of parenting. Because I exhibited balance, they are raising their kids with equal parts fun and firmness, work and play. My grandkids see their parents have date nights and go out with other adults for no-kids nights. There is nothing in that to feel guilty about. You have to have that balance to be the best you you can be. Remember, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time. Do the best you can with the hours we have in each day and give yourself all the breaks you need. You will be better for it, I promise.
All the best,
Michele -
SSophie | 06.20.2023 | 12:18PM
As a therapist, I slap my face when someone says ‘think of the homeless or poor people that don’t get to eat or you can’t be sad you have a great life’. Just because someone else feels something doesn’t diminish our right to our own feelings. We need to address our emotions before we can talk whether it was rational or not. If we chastise ourselves for having feelings and telling ourselves that’s ridiculous and I’m fortunate, we are repressing our feelings which builds into anxiety and a guilt complex. Allow yourself to keep space for your feelings – without judging them, just note the pure emotion ‘yep I’m sad or angry or jealous’!! Even if everyday you take a pause when you think or before you think about being guilty, you will change your neural pathways. And gradually you will have created a new pathway and completely changed the brain patterns of your guilt complex! The more you make other thought patterns stronger, the weaker those you don’t use get! I used to feel like that before my degree and changed my understanding, allowed myself to feel my feelings and then be rational after. Happy for you to message me for more if you would like x care for your own emotions like you would your children’s.
LLauren Selfe | 06.20.2023 | 12:18PM
Hey Claire <3 I have always been drowning in my own self guilt, for as long as I can remember! It’s like I spend my life living by everyone’s expectations of what they want from me, which comes naturally to me (I’m a chronic people pleaser too!) but actually, it doesn’t do me ANY favours. I constantly feel drained, out of energy, social battery at 0%, always craving to just pause time and be by myself, doing what I want. So I just spend my life in this limbo… not sure how to get out of it, when it’s imprinted into your DNA, it’s who you are? How do you change your natural reactions to everyone else, for the sake of yourself? I guess the answer is self love / self respect.. maybe at 31 I’m just starting to understand what that really means, and how much I really lack in it? It’s nice to know everyone struggles with these battles that we keep in our heads.. even people you watch on TV who you admire and give you that sense of calm and comfort. People say to me ‘I wish you could see yourself through others eyes’ – heck, I wish you could see yourself through mine! <3 xxx
MMeghan Zorich | 06.20.2023 | 12:18PM
I recently started photography (I’m a SAHM to two toddlers) and I am typically gone on the weekends to pursue my passion. One little comment of my absence from my husband put me in a tailspin of guilt and made me pull back, even though he works crazy hours during the week. I had a very honest talk with him about how that made me feel, and he was comforting/apologetic about his remark, which was nice. I still feel aches of guilt that I am missing from my kids or my husband has more of a burden, but at the same time it’s nice to know that I am being creative and interacting with others. I know this isn’t much help, but I hope it’s good to know that you aren’t alone. I appreciate your posts and love your realness on Instagram. Your humor is chefs kiss
Sending love your way 🤍 -
LLisa Reason | 06.20.2023 | 12:18PM
It’s easy for me to tell other people that it’s okay to prioritise themselves but struggle to do the same. Mum-guilt riddles me at times. I do take time to get away with my hubby for a night or 2 here & there but making time just for myself doesn’t happen and I do find myself craving that alone time. I guess all I can say is that I am sure you are doing an amazing job. And they do say you will be a better parent and more present if you do take the time for you, whether that be for your work, or fun nights with your hubby or your girls, well it makes sense to me xx
EEmily Skye | 06.20.2023 | 12:18PM
Claire, I relate SO much! It’s like I’ve written it myself. I also struggle with imposter syndrome and I think it’s all linked. I feel guilty for the things I have, I feel guilty for struggling at times, I feel like I don’t deserve what I’ve achieved and have never allowed myself to be proud of myself let alone to celebrate my achievements. Why am I like this? I don’t know. I always try to help others as much as possible but like you, I end up falling back into my people pleasing habits. If I prioritize myself I feel guilty & selfish. If I do things for others I end up feeling used, exhausted, unappreciated & alone. Where’s the middle ground? How do we overcome this? I’d love to know!
Thanks for sharing Claire. I appreciate it ao much and I’m sure many others do too. 🙏🏼🩵 Em.