Brows baby.

Trust me — tint your own brows.
I am obsessed with full eyebrows. You will never catch me attempting the skinny brow look - I tried it at 18 and I’m still haunted. Don’t even get me started on the bleached trend. I’m not trying to sound judgey… do what works for you. It just absolutely does not work for me. But THIS does!
Step 1: Buy this stuff - the Godefroy Professional tint kit. It’s affordable (a little over a dollar per tint!) and it works really well. I also rec having cotton pads, micellar water, and cotton swabs on hand.
Step 2: Clean your brows really well. Either wash your face or use this micellar water with a cotton pad.
Step 3: Empty the tint pill into the clear mixing cup. It’s finicky and sometimes spills but I have the fine motor skills of a 9-month-old so that might just be a personal problem.
Step 4: Add the developer. I use a dime-sized dollop. I’m not even sure if that’s the correct amount but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Step 5: Mix really well and then apply to your brows. I paint on a nice thick coating of tint and then swipe the edges with a wet q-tip. You can cover the skin around the outside of your brows with aquaphor to prevent any rogue stains but I never bother because I’m lazy.
Step 6: Start the time after the first brow!! I do between 2 and 5 mins depending on how ghastly and pale my brows are. 4 mins was the sweet spot today.

Should look a little something like this.
Step 7: Wipe the tint off with micellar water or even plain old tap water. Make sure you don’t leave any stray tint or you’ll look like Groucho Marx. Brush them and add a lil brow gel and you’re good to go!
Don’t freak out if it’s a little darker than you want because it fades really quickly. I usually redo them every 2 or 3 weeks to keep ‘em looking full and fresh. And that’s it! Cheap, easy, and works like a charm. Try it and show me how hot you look.
And here's the final result —