Life update!

Hiiiiiii! Sorry it’s taken me a decade to write something. I bit off slightly more than I could chew over the summer and couldn’t figure out how to write back to an email, let alone produce anything worth reading for The Corner. I have no doubt that seasoned parents were silently chuckling at me as I discussed our plans to leave Miami for three months with three kids. What a blissfully ignorant young lass I was. I wildly underestimated the amount of shit I’d need to pack and unpack at each destination (seven suitcases!!!), and left a small piece of my soul somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean during the 11.5 hour flight from Zurich to LA. It wasn’t all menty b’s and travel tantrums though, we actually had the best fucking time showing our kids the world.

We visited Ibiza, Rome, St. Tropez, Los Angeles, Aspen, Massachusetts (to see Andy’s folks), and finally got back to Miami right before Labor Day. I keep thinking about what an amazing experience it was, even though they won’t really remember it. They came to our late lunches and dinners, went sightseeing with minimal fussing, and were all around pretty epic travel companions. Would I do it again the same way? Hell no! Way too much moving around. But I really hope we can continue traveling with them so they learn to embrace different cultures - mainly the Spanish siesta - and learn that the world doesn’t just revolve around them, lol.

Life has stabilized a little now that they are back in school (GOD BLESS TEACHERS), so I finally have time to focus on what’s next. Have I mentioned that I’m running a couple of marathons? Haaaaahaaaa of course I have! I can’t shut up about it! “Hello random stranger waiting in line for coffee, did you know I’m running 26.2 miles, TWICE?”

I wish I could be more discreet. Can you imagine not telling anyone and just showing up and crushing the race? So chic. Not me though. I need recognition. I want everyone to tell me what a supreme athlete I am. JK I only need Andy to tell me that. I really am trying to be less annoying this time around, but my god is it hard when it consumes so much time and energy. The interesting part about training as a parent is that your kids don’t care that you‘re tired because you woke up at 4am to run 18 miles, or that your legs hurt, or that you need to refuel so you don’t faint. When they want a damn snack, you better be prepared to drop everything or all hell will break loose. If only I’d attempted this endeavor when I just had to look after myself!

I will say that like childbirth, after you’ve done it once, it’s not quite so daunting. The early wakeups will pass, my body will get less creaky, and I’ll hopefully have raised a boatload of money for childhood mental health at the end of it all. I really want to enjoy the ride this time without putting so much pressure on myself, but I also need to run under four hours so I don’t have to do another one. Pray for me ok?
Anywayyy I will do my very best to be more active on the site, so I’d love to know what you’re interested in right now? Gimme some inspo in the comments and I’ll run with it. Get it? …..I’ll show myself out….
C x
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SSal | 10.29.2024 | 01:19PM
The Corner feels like a safe place online. And I too would brag about running a marathon, I’m still talking about a workout i did last week with dumbells at home.
AAmie | 10.29.2024 | 01:19PM
Though your children are still very young, what advice would you give them if they were going through challenges with school when the work gets hard. For example my school is very challenging and has been a lot to handle at times and my learning disabilities make it hard to push forward and believe that when I become a senior and graduate that it will all be worth something. It’s hard to find someone who can relate to how you feel in a school of geniuses.