Workouts = me time. Here are my essentials.

There have been a bunch of times in my life that I’ve had to start over on my fitness journey.
All for different reasons — broken bones, surgery, illness, pregnancy/postpartum. Starting over again each time was hard af. I was mad and wanted to quit but I didn’t because quitting is for losers!!! jk I quit all the time but only non important things like cooking dinner or reading educational books.
Anyway, starting over is never fun but I do it time and time again because it makes me feel good. I love being strong. I love lifting my kids in the air and landing them in their beds like tiny planes. I love chasing my dog at full speed when he gets the zoomies. I love gloating to Andy that I’m a better athlete than he is. I LOVE the me time; the time I get to focus exclusively on myself. I also love feeling content and for me, working out is a huge part of that. Here’s a breakdown of my fave fitness tools.
First and foremost,
you don’t need a lot.

Resistance bands - They’re so lightweight and you can bring them anywhere. I took one to rural Uganda, to fashion week in Milan, and to the start line of the New York Marathon. Such a great tool for strength and conditioning and the he most important part of my warm up pre run. There are a billion exercises you can do and heaps of guidance online. If I could only have one product, it would be this.
Bala weights - I love popping these on my wrists or ankles to add to my workout. Don’t be fooled by the size because you can get a serious burn. They’re also small enough to travel with.
A good yoga mat - I’m really not down with flimsy mats that roll at the edges or get super slippery when you sweat. I do a lot of floor work and I *try* to fit yoga in every week so this is one of my most used items.
Pilates ball - great for abs and inner thighs. I use this a lot when doing pilates style workouts. Also good for distracting kids when they’re trying to climb on top of you.
Foam roller - when you’re old like me you have to prioritize recovery. It hurts like hell when you do it right but makes a big difference.
Cute workout clothes - I've been the girl at the gym in a baggy t-shirt with holes but let me tell you, feeling hot helps me workout longer. Also, spending money on workout outfits doesn’t count because it's for your health. Right? That is what I tell myself. Anyway, that's a whole other story.
Normatec recovery boots - ok these are priiiiceeeeyyy but the absolute BEST for recovery after hard workouts. I lugged them to NY with me and I swear they’re the reason I was able to stand on my own two feet the day after the marathon.

Supportive black sports bra and black biker shorts > little black dress.

Recovery boots or dinner party attire?
A round of applause for apps.
These saved my life after I gave birth. I couldn’t leave the house and I had ZERO motivation because I was running on fumes. Find one you like with options. Variety is key. My favorites are:

Obe Fitness - so many classes and different teachers. I love yoga and barre. This one has the most range.
Peloton - you don’t need the bike or treadmill to use the app. I know people shit on them but I find the teachers super motivating.
Soto Method - a friend turned me onto this program earlier this year and I love it. Just one instructor (the founder, Hillary) for now but the workout is awesome.
Melissa Wood Health - my first workout after James. Gentle enough that I wasn’t overwhelmed but still a really good program. Melissa is a mom of two so she gets it.
My workout favorites.