Pulling myself out of a spiral.

Written by CLAIRE HOLT | Mar 21, 2024

A few weeks ago, I felt like damaged goods. I’d slipped into my nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I might as well go and eat worms mindset. Just moping around feeling sorry for myself. You’re ugly! You’re a loser! You’re the worst mum! Love when those productive voices roll in to give me a pep talk. I spent a few days in a slump until I remembered that I’m actually in control of how I feel, and that it’s my responsibility to stop the spiral. Now that I’m feeling 10/10 mentally, I thought I’d share the tools I used to get my shit together. 

Five minutes on the pity pot

It’s unrealistic to think that we can just snap our fingers and change our mindset. Especially when legitimately rough things happen. It doesn’t serve anyone to minimize their feelings, or feel guilty for being human. It just can’t go on forever. So I give myself a time limit. Five minutes for the minor stuff (I’d give you 30 if you were ghosted). Cry, scream, punch a pillow, cancel calls. Do whatever you want to feeeeeeeeel it, but when that timer goes off, its over.


I know. No one wants to do a bloody spin class when they’ve spent the last hour crying, but in the infamous words of Elle Woods:

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t just shoot their husbands”

It really does make a difference. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, and a nice long walk is good enough (this has the added bonus of fresh air). Just do something to get your blood pumping.

A cold shower

Also torture but in an antidepressant kinda way. Therapeutic Hypothermia has been practiced for thousands of years. Fact check me, it's the truth! I hate the cold plunge when I’m doing it, but I feel like I’ve had three double espressos and some magic mushrooms after I’ve done it. Try it.


This one is huge. When I’m feeling the worst, I go for guided affirmation meditations, since I can’t seem to get my thoughts to pipe down on their own. I’ve been so into the SuperHuman app lately. Lucky girl energy is my 2024 vibe. I also love Gabby Bernstein. In addition, I like to write down a list of things I want to manifest, record it as a voice note, and play it to myself over and over.

*everything I desire is on its way*
*I attract incredible opportunities*
*I am joyful and at peace*
*I am proud of my success*

Be specific! Listen to it and feel it. Believe it. Then watch it start to happen. 


Everyone loves to dance even if they don’t admit it. Especially in the comfort of their own space with nobody watching. Draw the curtains, turn the lights off and BLAST IT. You feel a little dumb at first but after a few minutes, you're basically Jessica Alba in Honey. Actually, go ahead and play “I Believe” by Yolanda Adams. You could also try a Forward Space class, which is my personal fav activity. The classes always always always put me in a good mood.

A gratitude list.

 Here is the format I use. 

- 3 things you’re grateful for 
- 1 accomplishment you’re proud of 
- 1 thing you like about yourself
- 1 thing you’re looking forward to

You don’t have to go grand with this one. It’s ok to be grateful that you’re breathing. Or that your kids are finally in bed after coming out of their rooms 357 times. It’s also a nice thing to do with your husband when you’re in a stalemate because they called you “Soft on Crime Claire” (I’m an empathetic parent sue me!!)

Social media ban

More often than not, IG makes me feel shitty. I hate to say that because it's such a great way to connect with people, but it's the truth. I’m convinced that I’m not doing enough, or that I’m missing out on something. I find myself living vicariously instead of living my own life. I deleted it for a month before I gave birth to Ford and it did wonders for my mental health. I couldn’t believe how much extra time I had! I highly recommend taking a short break, just please do me this one favor - don’t announce it to your followers lol. 

Go through your photos from the last year

I think you’ll find you achieved, experienced, and enjoyed way more than you realize. I love to do this because it also helps me to remember the speedy passage of time. Nothing is permanent. The bad days/weeks truly don’t last forever. My camera roll is mostly filled with massive smiles, epic adventures, and a lot of love. That’s all we really need in life.

If all else fails, buy a bunch of crystals, sage the shit out of yourself and everything around you.


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  • A
    Amanda | 04.05.2024 | 01:30PM

    Your blog posts are 10/10 every time. You seem so effortlessly self aware, cool and relatable so thank you

  • E
    Ellie MacKenzie | 04.05.2024 | 01:30PM

    reading this really helped ❤️‍🩹

  • S
    Saunte du Piesanie | 04.05.2024 | 01:30PM

    Love these tips!